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2.1. Problem Statement

By early 2020, approximately 40.1% of young people were unemployed in South Africa (Quarterly Labour Force Survey, 2020). While some have post matric qualifications, others don’t, which makes them less likely to obtain a job. Even worse, those who have post matric education are usually exposed to learnerships and internships without any guarantee of full-time employment. Chief amongst the barriers to full-time employment, is lack of experience.

2.2. Proposed Solution 

This calls for initiatives aimed at empowering and equipping young people with relevant entrepreneurial skills that would enable them to establish their own businesses. By so doing, they are not only creating means of living for themselves but also for others. Our program introduces participants to basic entrepreneurial concepts, business processes and models, funding opportunities, sales and marketing strategies, small-scale business operations as well as market niche.

2.3. Execution 

We execute this initiative by providing disadvantaged and interested community members with on-going entrepreneurship training and mentoring, focused specifically on aspects of establishing and running a sustainable business. In addition, participants are exposed to leadership programs that teach them interpersonal skills, teamwork, effective presentation and networking skills. 

2.4. Funding and other resources to be utilised 

This project is currently funded through donations from individuals. The foundation is currently looking to partner with business and government. 

2.5. Applications 

- Must be a South African citizen 

- Must be between the ages 15 - 35

2.5.1. Required Documents 

- Certified South African ID Copy 

- Proof of Residence 

- Cover Letter


For online applications please use the form below. For paper based applications please contact us directly either through email, call or WhatsApp. We strive to provide the quickest turnaround time.

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